Best Selling
At Just For You Name Badges we pride ourselves on the excellent quality name badges we produce. We create unique bespoke handmade name badges for our customers and friends. We do have some terms & conditions.
Any comments or concerns about a name badge may be sent to or phone +64 27 2964405
Sometimes there can be a problem so let’s talk about it. Compliments are also welcomed!
Name badges are not made or dispatched unless payment has been received in full.
We do not have to provide a refund if you have changed your mind about a particular purchase, so please choose carefully. Our name badges are a handmade product custom made to order. If the goods are faulty, we will meet our obligations under the Consumer Guarantees Act to provide a remedy.
Damaged in Transit Policy
If your name badge delivery has been damaged in transit please contact us immediately.
Email Updates
You will receive email updates approximately every 2 weeks to say what batch/date of orders we’re working on.
An email is sent when payment is received, one on order completion and another one on dispatch day.
Dispatch is done once a week, usually every Tuesday.
An email is sent on dispatch day. For tracked orders tracking notifications are emailed.
Orders are sent to the address that you provide with your order, (not your PayPal shipping address).
Dispatch: Made to Order Badges are custom made badges and often due to the influx of orders dispatch times can vary. You will be advised of the approximate dispatch time when placing your order. Dispatch times vary and depends on how quickly we work through the orders we already have.
Pre-Christmas close off date
Every year Christmas close off is 10 October.
What if I order after 10 October?
We are not able to guarantee delivery before Christmas. You could buy a Ready to Go badge from Ready to Go list with quick dispatch or a buy a Gift Voucher.
Orders received after 10 October may be dispatched before Christmas.
NZ orders will be dispatched right through until 18 December
Make your day a little more fun, let people know your name!
For updates, news and special offers
Just For You Name Badges
123i Johnsons Road
Whitemans Valley, Upper Hutt
Wellington 5371
New Zealand
Just For You Name Badges Limited © 2025 All rights reserved – Website created by The Web Guys